Healthy Chipotle Hacks For Creating Your Meal

I love Chipotle!  The food is so dang good!  However, if you’re not careful you could easily consume an entire days worth of calories in one sitting (a burrito, chips, guac, and couple trips to fill up with pop).  Here are five healthy chipotle hacks that will help you stay on track.

chipotle hacks

#1: Get A Bowl Instead Of A Burrito

I know, I know, you want the tortilla but filling a bowl instead will save you about 300 calories and 690 mg of sodium.

#2: Get Both Kinds Of Beans

Asking for both kinds of beans, when paired with rice will get you an additional 17 grams of protein and an extra ten grams of fiber.

#3: Select Chicken Or Steak

Making sure that protein is a part of your meals is important to your body transformation.  Chicken or steak will be the healthiest option at Chipotle.

Responsibly-raised and antibiotic-free, it’s hard to go wrong with your protein choice at Chipotle. Just avoid the carnitas (shredded pork). At 13 grams of fat per 4 ounce serving, it’s the fattiest on the menu. – Eat This!

If you are skipping carbs the Ultimate Paleo Guide suggests ordering two sides of meat and a side of guac.   I plan to try it out simply for the amount of meat that you get at one time.

#4:  Make Two Meals Out Of It

A key aspect of the body transformation plan is eating smaller meals made up of healthy carbs, fats, and proteins throughout the day.  Rather than eating the whole bowl in one sitting divide it down the middle and eat the other half a couple hours later.  Doing so will help keep your metabolism firing and your energy up.

#5 Get The Vegetable Fajitas Instead Of The Salsa

The calories will be about the same, unless you get the corn salsa (the corn is about 60 calories more) but the sodium level is significantly lower.

*Bonus Chipotle Hacks

*Cover the bowl with one of the lids and shake it up.  Everything will get mixed perfectly.

*Get brown rice instead of white.

*Ask for half and half meat, you will pay for the more expensive option but will typically get more meat overall.

*What is the perfect chipotle meal (in my opinion)?

brown rice, black bean, chicken, corn salsa, lettuce, smoked chipotle tabasco sauce, and a cup for lots of water

Do you have chipotle hacks that you could share to help eat healthier?  Please share your comments below or on our Facebook Page.

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